
We are currently working to provide and restore download capabilities for customers. In the past, customers were able to log in with credentials and download the software, and unfortunately, this capability is not currently available. Thanks for your patience as we work through this.

To be able to use the Cubit® software, a license is needed. If you do not have a license, please visit the licensing page to see how you can qualify and apply for a license. A license will indicate which version of Cubit® you will be able to use. If you want a newer version of Cubit® not covered by your license, please consider updating your license.

Sandia Users Only

Sandia users are able to download the latest version of Cubit® by visiting:

Other Users

Other users with a valid license may send an email to requesting a copy of Cubit®.  In the email, please include the Cubit® version being requested.