User Documentation
After assigning interval or sizing attributes to a geometric entity and a meshing scheme is applied, the geometry is ready to be meshed. To mesh a geometric entity, use the command:
Mesh <entity> <id_range> [GLOBAL|Individual]
The <entity> to be meshed may be any one of the following:
The Global and Individual options affect how the constraints are gathered for interval matching. With the Global option, the interval constraint equations are calculated from all entities in the entity list. The Individual option calculates the interval constraint equations from each entity individually. The Global option is the default.
If either interval settings or schemes have not already been set on the entities being meshed, CUBIT will do its best to automatically set one or both of these attributes. See Auto Scheme Selection and Auto Specification of Intervals for a description of how CUBIT chooses these attributes. In cases where the automatic scheme selection algorithm fails to select a scheme for the geometry, the meshing operation will fail. In this case explicit specification of the meshing scheme and/or further geometry decomposition may be necessary.
Frequently when meshing large assemblies containing a number of volumes, the mesh command can be applied to a group of volumes with the same mesh command. Typically, if a mesh failure is detected, the meshing operation will continue to mesh the remaining volumes specified at the command line. The following command permits the user to override this feature to discontinue meshing additional volumes and return to the command line immediately after a mesh failure is detected:
Set Continue Meshing [ON|Off]
The default for this command is ON.
Turning this setting OFF is useful when meshing assemblies where a meshing failure of one volume would adversely affect the meshing of adjoining volume(s). This occurs frequently when meshing a sweep group using the sweep scheme.