User Documentation
Sculpt options for applying transformations to the mesh following mesh generation. For cases where the initial geometry description may not be at the desired scale or bounds, the transformation options provide the ability to apply transformations to the node locations following the mesh generation procedure. This can be effective for microstructure models, where the size and location may be defined by the given intervals of the data.
Mesh Transformation -tfm --transform --xtranslate -xtr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in X --ytranslate -ytr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in Y --ztranslate -ztr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in Z --xscale -xsc <arg> Scale final mesh coordinates in X --yscale -ysc <arg> Scale final mesh coordinates in Y --zscale -zsc <arg> Scale final mesh coordinates in Z Sculpt Command Summary
Command: xtranslate Translate final mesh coordinates in X Input file command: xtranslate <arg> Command line options: -xtr <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Translate all mesh coordinates written to Exodus file by X delta distance.
Command: ytranslate Translate final mesh coordinates in Y Input file command: ytranslate <arg> Command line options: -ytr <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Translate all mesh coordinates written to Exodus file by Y delta distance.
Command: ztranslate Translate final mesh coordinates in Z Input file command: ztranslate <arg> Command line options: -ztr <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Translate all mesh coordinates written to Exodus file by Z delta distance.
Command: xscale Scale final mesh coordinates in X Input file command: xscale <arg> Command line options: -xsc <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Scale all mesh X coordinates written to Exodus file by given factor
Command: yscale Scale final mesh coordinates in Y Input file command: yscale <arg> Command line options: -ysc <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Scale all mesh Y coordinates written to Exodus file by given factor
Command: zscale Scale final mesh coordinates in Z Input file command: zscale <arg> Command line options: -zsc <arg> Argument Type: floating point valueCommand Description:
Scale all mesh Z coordinates written to Exodus file by given factor