User Documentation
Applies to: Surface and Volume meshes
Summary: Tries to make equal edge lengths while ensuring no degradation in element shape
{Surface|Volume} <range> Smooth Scheme Smart Laplacian
The Smart Laplacian smoothing approach is a variation on the standard Laplacian algorithm. The algorithm iteratively loops over the mesh and updates nodes based on the location of their neighbors. First, a patch of elements is formed around a given node. The quality of this patch is assessed to determine the quality of the worst shaped element. Then a new candidate node position is calculated as the average of the neighboring nodes. The quality of the patch is assessed again using the candidate node position. If there has been no degradation in the quality of the elements in the patch, the candidate node position is accepted; otherwise, the candidate node position is rejected and the node is returned to its previous position.
The Smart Laplacian smoother is intended to provide a reliable smoother that is nearly as fast as the Length-Weighted Laplacian smoother. Due to the dual goals of this smoother, making equal edge length and improving element shape, it will not always be able to make progress. However, it is often useful as a quick alternative to the more time-consuming optimization methods like Mean Ratio or Condition Number. When this smoother fails to make significant progress, the optimization methods can be tried.
The Smart Laplacian Smoother uses the Mean Ratio quality measure to assess element shape. This smoother is ensuring no degradation in the minimum Mean Ratio. The Mean Ratio smoother is optimizing the same metric, but it is attempting to improve the average Mean Ratio quality.