Cubit 17.02 User Documentation

Setting up the Finite Element Model

Once the geometry to be meshed has been imported or created, the first step to defining the mesh is to set up the model. Basic parameters that are needed through the rest of the ITEM workflow are defined at this stage. Subsequent diagnostics and workflow may change based on how the model is initially set up.

Element Shape

Either a hexahedral or tetrahedral element shape may be selected. The meshing algorithm used to mesh the volumes will change based on this setting. Specific element characteristics such as the order of the element (i.e. TET10, HEX20) may be specified at a later time. The steps that will be displayed in the workflow will change based on the element type that is selected.

FEA Model Size

The number of elements or average size of the elements is an important aspect of defining your analysis model. Geometric features that are considerably smaller than the average element size, in most cases should be ignored since the mesh resolution will not be able to adequately capture them. Defining the element size at this point in the workflow permits subsequent diagnostic tests and operations to have a relative measure of what is “small”. More detailed sizing attributes such as biasing and geometry-adaptive sizing may be defined later in the ITEM workflow.

One of three different mechanisms may be used to define the size, element budget, element size and mesh density. Each of these values is dependent on the other. As a result, changing one value will automatically change the other.

Where Vmax is the of the geometric volume of the largest volume in the solid model. Changing the target mesh density will display a preview of the approximate nodal spacing on the curves of the model in the graphics window.