User Documentation
The purpose of geometry operations such as decomposition is to transform an unmeshable region into one or more meshable regions. However, even the operations suggested by the decomposition tool can degenerate into guesswork if they are not performed with a specific purpose in mind. Without a geometric goal to work toward, it can be difficult to recognize whether a particular operation will be useful.
Incorporated within the proposed ITEM environment are algorithms that are able to detect geometry that is nearly sweepable, but which are not fully sweepable due to some geometric feature or due to incompatible constraints between adjacent sections of geometry. By presenting potential sweeping configurations to the user, ITEM provides suggested goals to work towards, enabling the user to make informed decisions while preparing geometry for meshing.
Unlike the decomposition solutions presented in the previous section, the purpose of recognizing nearly sweepable regions is to show potential alternative source-target pairs for sweeping even when the autoscheme tool does not recognize the topology as strictly sweepable. When combined with the decomposition solutions and the forced sweepability capability described later, it provides the user with an additional powerful strategy for building a hexahedral mesh topology.
Diagnostics: In recognizing nearly sweepable regions, the diagnostic tool employed is once again the autoscheme tool described in [White, 00]. Volumes that do not meet the criteria defined for mapping or sweeping are presented to the user. The user may then select from these volume for which potential source-target pairs are computed.
Solutions: The current algorithm for determining possible sweep configurations is an extension of the autoscheme algorithm described in [White, 00]. Instead of rejecting a configuration which does not meet the required sweeping constraints, the sweep suggestion algorithm ignores certain sweeping roadblocks until it has identified a nearly feasible sweeping configuration. The suggestions are presented graphically, as seen in Figure 1. In most cases, the source-target pairs presented by the sweep suggestion algorithm are not yet feasible for sweeping given the current topology. The user may use this information for further decomposition or to apply solutions identified by the forced sweepability capability described next. The sweep suggest algorithm also provides the user with alternative feasible sweep direction solutions as shown in Figure 1. This is particularly useful when dealing with interconnected volumes where sweep directions are dependent on neighboring volumes.
Figure 1. (a) ITEM displays the source and target of a geometry that is nearly sweepable. The region is not currently sweepable due to circular imprints on the side of the cylinder. (b) Alternative feasible sweep directions are also computed.