User Documentation
The small feature removal area of ITEM focuses on identifying and removing small features in the model that will either inhibit meshing or force excessive mesh resolution near the small feature. Small features may result from translating models from one format to another or may be intentional design features. Regardless of the origin small features must often be removed in order to generate a high quality mesh.
ITEM will recognize small features that fall in four classifications:
These operations may involve either real, virtual or a combination of both types of operations to remove these features. A virtual operation is one in which does not modify the CAD model, but rather modifies an overlay topology on the original CAD model. Real operations, on the other hand directly modify the CAD model. Where real operations are provided by the solid modeling kernel upon which CUBIT is built, virtual operations are provided by CUBIT's CGM (Tautges, 00) module and are implemented independently of the solid modeling kernel. The following describes the diagnostics for finding each of the four classifications of small features and the methods for removing them.
Diagnostic: Small curves are found by simply comparing each curve length in the model to a user-specified characteristic small curve size. A default epsilon (e) is automatically calculated as 10 percent of the user specified mesh size, but can be overridden by the user.
Solutions: ITEM provides three different solutions for eliminating small curves from the model. The first solution uses a virtual operation to composite surfaces. Two surfaces near the small curve can often be composited together to eliminate the small curve as shown in Figure 1(a).
The second solution for eliminating small curves is the collapse curve operation. This operation combines partitioning and compositing of surfaces near the small curve to generate a topology that is similar to pinching the two ends of the curve together into a single point. The partitioning can be done either as a real or virtual operation. Figure 1(b) illustrates the collapse curve operation.
The third solution for eliminating small curves is the remove topology operation. This operation can be thought of as cutting out an area around the small curve and then reconstructing the surfaces and curves in the cut-out region so that the small curves no longer exist. (Clark, 07) provides a detailed description of the remove topology operation. This operation has more impact on the actual geometry of the model because it redefines surfaces and curves in the vicinity of a small curve. The reconstruction of curves and surfaces is done using real operations followed by composites to remove extra topology introduced during the operation. Figure 1(c) shows the results using the remove topology operation.
Figure 1. Three operators used for removing small curves (a) composite; (b) collapse curve; (c) remove topology
ITEM also addresses the problem of small and narrow surfaces. Both are dealt with in a similar manner and are described here.
Diagnostic: Small surfaces are found by comparing the surface area with a characteristic small area. The characteristic small area is defined simply as the characteristic small curve length squared or e2.
Narrow surfaces are distinguished from surfaces with narrow regions by the characteristic that the latter can be split such that the narrow region is separated from the rest of the surface. Narrow surfaces are themselves a narrow region and no further splits can be done to separate the narrow region. Figure 2 shows examples of each. ITEM provides the option to split off the narrow regions, subdividing the surface so the narrow surfaces can be dealt with independently.
Narrow regions/surfaces are also recognized using the characteristic value of e. The distance, di from the endpoints of each curve in the surface to the other curves in the surface are computed and compared to e. When di<e other points on the curve are sampled to identify the beginning and end of the narrow region. If the narrow region encompasses the entire surface, the surface is classified as a narrow surface. If the region contains only a portion of the surface, it is classified as a surface with a narrow region.
Figure 2. Two cases illustrating the difference between surfaces with narrow regions and narrow surfaces
Solutions: ITEM provides four different solutions for eliminating small and narrow surfaces from the model. The first solution uses the regularize operation. Regularize is a real operation provided by the solid modeling kernel that removes unnecessary/redundant topology in the model. In many cases a small/narrow surface's definition may be the same as a surface next to it and therefore the curve between them is not necessary and can be regularized out. An example of regularizing a small/narrow surface out is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. When the small surface’s underlying geometric definition is the same as a neighbor the curve between them can be regularized out.
The second solution for removing small/narrow surfaces uses the remove operation. Remove is also a real operation provided by the solid modeling kernel. However, it differs from regularize in that it doesn't require the neighboring surface(s) to have the same geometric definition. Instead the remove operation removes the specified surface from the model and then attempts to extend and intersect adjacent surfaces to close the volume. An example of using the remove solution is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. The remove operation extends an adjacent surface to remove a small surface
The third solution for removing small/narrow surfaces uses the virtual composite operation to composite the small surface with one of its neighbors. This is very similar to the use of composites for removing small curves. An example is shown in Figure 5.Figure 5. Composite solution for removing a narrow surface
The final solution for removing small/narrow surfaces uses the remove topology operation (Clark, 07). The remove topology operation behaves the same as when used for removing small curves in that it cuts out the area of the model around the small/narrow surface and replaces it with a simplified topology. In the case of a small surface where all of the curves on the surface are smaller than the characteristic small curve length, the small surface is replaced by a single vertex. In the case of a narrow surface where the surface is longer than the characteristic small curve length in one of its directions, the surface is replaced with a curve. The remove topology operation can be thought of as a local dimensional reduction to simplify the topology. The remove topology operation can also be used to remove networks of small/narrow surfaces in a similar fashion. Examples of using the remove topology solution to remove small/narrow surfaces are shown in Figures 6 and Figure 7.Figure 6. Remove topology solution for removing a narrow surface
Figure 7.Remove topology solution for removing a network of narrow surfaces