User Documentation
The following command removes all lower-order virtual geometry from the specified entities.
Virtual Remove <entity_list>
virtual remove surface 5
Removes all composite and partition curves from surface 5.
virtual remove body all
Remove all virtual geometry from all bodies.
For removing individual virtual entities, see the sections of the documentation for each type of virtual entity:
If the general delete command is invoked for a composite surface, the composite surface will be removed, and the original surfaces used to define the composite will be restored to the model. The defining surfaces are NOT also deleted. As with any other non-virtual surfaces, the delete command will fail if the composite has a parent volume.
To delete composite surfaces with a parent volume, the composite delete command can be used. The behavior is analogous for composite curves.
If the delete command is used on a volume containing a composite surface or curve, or on a surface containing a composite curve, the entire volume or surface will be deleted, including the original entities used to define the composite, as those entities are also children of the entity being deleted.
It is recommended that the delete command not be used with partitions, as it may break subsequent usage of the merge and delete forms of the partition command for other partitions of the same real geometry entity. However, if the delete command is used for partitions, the behavior is to delete the specified partition, and when the last partition of the real geometry is deleted, to restore the original geometry.
The delete command can also be used on parents of partitions. For example, a volume containing partitioned surfaces, or a surface containing partitioned curves can be deleted. In this case, the specified entity will be deleted along with all of its children, including the partition entities, and the original entities that were partitioned.