User Documentation
The scale command resizes an entity (body, volume, surface, or curve) by a scaling factor. The scaling factor may be a constant, or may differ in the x, y, and z directions. The entity chosen will be scaled about the point or vertex indicated. If no point or vertex is entered, it will be scaled about the origin. Any mesh on the object will be scaled too, unless the nomesh keyword is used.
The command to scale entities is:
{Body|Volume|Surface|Curve} <id_range> Scale {<scale> | x <val> y <val> z <val>} [About {<x> <y> <z> | Vertex <id>}] [Nomesh] [Copy [Repeat <value>] [Group_Results]] [Preview]
If the copy option is specified, a copy of the entity is made and scaled the specified amount. Use the repeat option to create multiple copies.