User Documentation
The move command moves a body, volume, free surface, free curve or free vertex by a specified offset. The command syntax is:
Vertex <id_range> [Move [X <dx>] [Y <dy>] [Z <dz>]] [Copy] [Preview]
Vertex <id_range> Move <direction_options< [Distance <val>] [Copy] [Preview]
{Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex|Group} <id_range> [Move [X <dx>] [Y <dy>] [Z <dz>]] [Copy [Nomesh]] [Preview]
{Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex|Group} <id_range> Move <direction_options> [Distance <val>] [Copy [Nomesh]] [Preview]
where <dx> <dy> <dz> and <distance> represent relative offsets in the major axis directions. If the copy option is specified, a copy is made and the copy is moved by the specified offset. The nomesh option will copy and move only the geometry.
These forms of the Move command will only work on free surfaces and free curves. To move a curve or surface that is part of a higher-order entity, the Move {entity} ... command is used.
It is also possible to move bodies by specifying one of its child entities. For example, a body can by moved by specifying one of its curves. However, if a lower-order entity is moved, the parent body and all related entities will also be moved. The commands for moving bodies using a child entity are given below. Alternatively, the tweak command can be used to move curves and surfaces without moving the parent body.
Move {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [Midpoint] Location <x> [<y> [<z>]] [Include_Merged] [Preview]
Move {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> Location [Midpoint] [X <val>] [Y <val>] [Z <val>] [Except [X] [Y] [Z]] [Include_Merged] [Preview]
Move {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> Normal to Surface <id> Distance <val> [Include_Merged] [Preview]
Move {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [Midpoint] General Location <location_options> [Except [X] [Y] [Z]] [Include_Merged] [Preview]
The first form of the command will move the entity to an absolute location. If moving a group, the centroid of the group is moved to that location. The second form will move the entity by a relative distance in any of the xyz axis directions. "Except" is used to preserve the x, y, or z plane in which the center of the entity lies. The third form of the command will move the body along an axis defined by the outward-facing surface normal of another surface. The fourth form of the command uses general location parsing to move the entity.
It is also possible to move bodies relative to other geometric entities in the model. The following command takes as arguments two geometric entities. The first entity is the one to move. The second entity is where it will be moved. In both cases, the midpoints of the specified entity are used to determine the distance and direction of the move. In the case of groups, centroids are used. "Except" is used to preserve the x, y, or z plane in which the center of the entity lies.
Move {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [Midpoint] Location {Vertex|Curve|Surface|Volume|Body|Group} <id> [Midpoint] [Except [X] [Y] [Z]] [Include_Merged] [Preview]
The easiest way to move merged entities is by adding the include_merged keyword to the command. All entities that are merged with the specified entities will move together.
The only other way that merged entities can be moved is by including each of the merged entities in the entity list.
The Undo option allows a user to reverse the most recent move. This command will only work for the Move {entity} commands, and not the {Entity} Move commands. The syntax is:
Move Undo