User Documentation
Detailed checks of geometry and topology can be performed using the validate command:
Validate {Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex|Group} <id_range> [level val=<value=20> ]
Healer Analyze Body <id_range> [level val=<value=20> ]
These two commands traverse the given entity's topological tree structure, checking for bad data or invalidities along the way. Both commands do exactly the same thing. More extensive diagnostics can be ran by specifying a higher check level. The check levels are value multiples of 10 between 0 and 70 inclusive. Use the level option of the command or the following command to specify the level:
set AcisOption Integer 'check_level' <value>
where value is one of the following:
20 = Level 10 checks plus slower error checks (default)
30 = Level 20 checks plus D-Cubed curve and surface checks
40 = Level 30 checks plus fast warning checks
50 = Level 40 checks plus slower warning checks
60 = Level 50 checks plus slow edge convexity change point checks
70 = Level 60 checks plus face/face intersection checks
You can also get more detailed output from the validate command with (the default is off):
set AcisOption Integer 'check_output' on
Note that some of the ids listed in the output of the validate command are currently meaningless, e.g. those for coedges.
Validate {Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex} <range> Mesh
The Validate {...} mesh command performs a connectivity check of the mesh elements to determine the validity of the mesh.
The validate command can also check for consistent surface normals and return a list of offending surfaces. The syntax for the command is as follows:
Validate [Body] <body_id> Normal [Reference [Surface] <surface_id>] [Reverse]
Using the "reference" keyword, a reference surface is compared to the normal consistency of all other specified surfaces. Inconsistent surfaces can be reversed using the "reverse" keyword.