Cubit 17.02 User Documentation

Boundary Condition Sets

Create bcset [id] [name <'name'>] [After bcset <id>] [{Add|Remove} {bc_type}  <id-range | <with name 'name'> >] [analysistype {STATIC|heat|dynamic|modal}] [modal_max_frequency <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [name <'name'>] [After bcset <id>] [{Add|Remove} {bc_type}  <id-range | <with name 'name'> >] [analysistype {STATIC|heat|dynamic|modal}]

*** ABAQUS Parameters ***

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [max_step_increments <value>]     [nonlinear_geometry <on|OFF>][perturbation <on|OFF>][stabilize <on|OFF>]  [steadystate <on|OFF>][modal_max_frequency <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [initial_step_size <value>]     [step_period <value>][min_step_size <value>]  [max_step_size <value>][min_step_temperature_change <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [mass_scaling <on|OFF>]   [mass_scaling_dt <value>][mass_scaling_factor <value>]     [mass_scaling_type <'uniform'|'BELOW_MIN'|'set_equal_dt'>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [restart <on|OFF>][restart_overlay <on|OFF>]  [{restart_frequency|restart_num_intervals} <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [output_field <on|OFF>]     [output_field_frequency <value>] [output_history <on|OFF>]     [output_history_frequency <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [el_file <on|OFF>][el_file_frequency <value>]  [node_file <on|OFF>][node_file_frequency <value>]

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} [el_print <on|OFF>][el_print_frequency <value>]  [node_print <on|OFF>][node_print_frequency <value>]

*** NASTRAN Parameters ***

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all}  {displacement_output <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint} {group <ALL|none|<id>> }}

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} {oload <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint} {group <ALL|none|<id>> }}

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all} {mpcforces <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint}  {group <ALL|none|<id>> }}

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all}  {spcforces <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint}  {group <ALL|none|<id>> }}

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all}  {stress <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint} {group <ALL|none|<id>> }     {CENTER|cubic|sgage|corner} {VONMISES|maxs}}

Modify bcset {id_list|'name'|all}  {element_strain_energy <on|OFF> {PLOT|print|punch|punchprint}  {group <ALL|none|<id>> } {AVERAGE|amplitude|peak}}

CUBIT can create BC sets, which is a group of previously defined loads, restraints and contact pairs.  A BCSet is used to define a load case (analysis step) when writing out 3rd party analysis decks.  A BCSet can be a static analysis set, a thermal analysis set, a modal analysis set, or a dynamic analysis set by specifying the analysistype. The After keyword can be used to define the order that the BCSets will be written when the model is exported.

Several solver-specific parameters can be set for a BCSet.  For ABAQUS, parameters associated with *STEP, *STATIC, *DYNAMIC, *FREQUENCY, *HEAT TRANSFER, *MASS SCALING, *RESTART, *OUTPUT, *EL FILE, *NODE FILE, *EL PRINT, and *NODE PRINT can be modified.  For Nastran, output requests can be defined for Displacement, Reaction Loads, MPC Forces, SPC Forces, Stress, and Element Strain Energy.