Cubit 17.02 User Documentation

Python Interface

The following Python functions and objects provide capability to query and modify Cubit models.


CubitInterface - Cubit model query and modify functions.


Entity - The base class of all the geometry and mesh types.
GeomEntity - The base class for specifically the Geometry types (Body, Surface, etc.).
Body - Defines a body object that mostly parallels Cubit's Body class.
Volume - Defines a volume object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefVolume class
Surface - Defines a surface object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefFace class.
Curve - Defines a curve object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefEdge class.
Vertex - Defines a vertex object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefVertex class.
CFD BC Interface -Defines the interface to CFD Boundary Condition entities
Direction Interface -Defines the interface to a Direction object
Location Interface -Defines the interface to a Location object
CubitFailureException - An exception class to alert the caller when the underlying Cubit function fails.
InvalidEntityException - An exception class to alert the caller that an invalid entity was attempted to be used.
InvalidInputException - An exception class to alert the caller of a function that invalid inputs were entered.
MeshError - Mesh error interface
MeshImport - Mesh import interface
MeshModify - Mesh modify interface
AssemblyItem - AssemblyItem interface