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Example 3. Webcutting using the sweep option

This example introduces additional webcutting options. This example would be a simple many-to-one sweep except for the overhanging lip and the protrusions on the bottom surface. To a beginner user, it may at first seem reasonable to use the bottom surface as a webcutting plane. However, this will not create a many-to-one sweepable volume. Instead, you need to use the protruding surfaces as cutting planes, and extend them through the entire volume.

Suggested webcuts

Webcut Command

CUBIT> webcut volume 1 with sheet extended from surface 27

CUBIT> webcut volume 1 with plane surface 30

CUBIT> webcut vol all sweep surf 26 vector -1 0 0 through_all

Now Volume 3 (red) has only 1 target surface.

CUBIT> imprint all
CUBIT> merge all
CUBIT> volume all size 0.05
CUBIT> mesh volume all

Final mesh

The final mesh is created at a size of 0.05 for all volumes.