Cubit 16.04 User Documentation
The orientation of surface and curve geometry is the direction of the normal and tangent vectors respectively.
Each surface has a forward (or top) side. The evaluation of the surface normal at any point on the surface will return a vector at that point, orthogonal to the surface and directed towards the forward side of the surface. The mesh faces generated on each surface will have the same normal direction as their owning surface.
Each curve has a forward direction and a corresponding start and end vertex. The direction of the curve is from start to end vertex. The evaluation of the tangent vector of the curve at any point along the curve will result in a vector that is both tangent to the curve and pointing in the forward direction of the curve (towards the end vertex along the path of the curve.) The mesh edges created on each curve will be oriented in the same direction as their owning curve. The exported nodes and edges of a curve mesh will be written in the order they occur along the path of the curve.
Higher-dimension geometry has uses lower-dimension geometry with an associated sense (forward or reversed) for each lower-dimension entity. For example, a volume as a sense for each surface used to bound the volume. If the surface normal points outside the volume, then the volume uses the surface with a forward sense. If the surface normal points into the interior of the volume, the volume uses the surface with a reversed sense. Similarly a surface is bounded by a set of curves forming a loop such that the direction of the loop and the sense of each curve results in a cycle that is counter-clockwise around the surface normal.
By default, a surface is oriented so that its normal points OUT of the volume of which it is a part. For a merged surface (a surface which belongs to more than one volume) or a free surface (a surface that belongs to no volume, also known as a sheet body), the orientation of the surface is arbitrary. The orientation of a surface influences the orientation of any elements created on that surface. All surface elements have the same orientation as the surface on which they are created. The following commands are available to adjust the normal-direction for a surface:
Surface <id_range> Normal Opposite
Surface <id_range> Normal Volume <id>
The orientation of a surface can be flipped from its current orientation by using the "Opposite" keyword. The orientation of a merged surface can be set to point OUT of a specific volume by specifying that volume in the "Volume" keyword.
Occasionally, volumes will be created "inside-out". The command:
Reverse {Body|Volume|Surface} <id_range>
will turn a given volume, surface, or body inside out. This should be equivalent to reversing the normals on all the surfaces. This shouldn't be encountered very often, as it is a very rare condition.
The following commands are available to adjust the tangent direction of a curve:
Curve <id_range> Tangent Opposite
Curve <id_range> Tangent {Forward|Reverse} Surface <id>
Curve <id_range> Tangent {Start|End} Vertex <id>
The first command reverses the tangent direction of the curve. The second command sets the tangent direction such that it is used by a specific surface with a specified sense. The third command sets the tangent direction of the curve such that the curve starts or ends with the specified vertex. For the latter two forms of the command, the curve must be adjacent to the specified surface or vertex.
The below command can be used to change the orientation of multiple curves at once. With the direction option, the curve will be oriented along the specified direction. With the location option, the vertex closest to the give location becomes the start vert in the oriented curve. The curve orientation can be reversed using the opposite argument. Also, a vertex id can be specified to make it the start vertex in the oriented curve.
Curve <id_range> Orient Sense {direction (options)|location (options)|vertex <id_range>} [Opposite]
The above command is useful in changing the orientation of multiple curves at once using various options described. This becomes helpful, e.g., when bias is applied on multiple curves. By default, bias depends on the orientation of the curve, i.e., bias begins at start vertex.