Instancing Parts with ABAQUS

The ABAQUS file format allows users to instance a mesh multiple times. An example of this would be to create a mesh of a single bolt, but instance the bolt mesh several times in the ABAQUS model file to generate multiple bolts.

To create an ABAQUS file with instanced parts, use the following syntax:

Export Abaqus <’filename’> [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [Instance Block <id_list> [Source_csys <id>] [Target_csys <id_list>] [Overwrite] [Everything]

Any block defined in Cubit can be instanced n number of times in the ABAQUS file. To instance a block, a source coordinate system and a target coordinate system (where the mesh will be translated and rotated to) need to be defined. If no source coordinate system is given in the command, the default (global) coordinate system is used. The instance keyword can be used as many times as needed.

Note: By default, the Abaqus exporter writes 6 decimal places. The command "set Abaqus precision <n>" can be used to change the number of decimal places written.