Cubit 16.04 User Documentation
FASTQ is a program developed to create geometry and two-dimensional mesh. The user may choose to upload FASTQ files and work with the files in an environment that accepts a limited number of FASTQ commands.
Table 1. FASTQ Commands Executable in Cubit
Syntax | Description |
set fastq on | Cubit is in FASTQ mode. |
set fastq off | Cubit exits FASTQ mode. |
nine | Mesh will be generated using nine-node quadrilateral elements. |
eight | Mesh will be generated using eight-node quadrilateral elements. |
five | Mesh will be generated using five-node quadrilateral elements. |
import fastq " *.fsq " | Imports FASTQ files into Cubit. |
Table 2. Brief List of Importable FASTQ Commands Supported in Cubit
Syntax | Description |
point <point_id> <x-coord> <y-coord> [<z-coord>] | This creates a point at the specified coordinates with the id given by the user. The z-coordinate is optional because FASTQ is a two-dimensional meshing tool. |
line <line_id> str <begin_pt> <end_pt> 0 [interval] [factor] | This creates a straight line with the given beginning and end points and an id is assigned to the line. The interval option determines the number of intervals or subdivisions of the line for mesh generation. The factor option is the ratio of the interval lengths as the intervals progress towards the end point of the line. For example, if a factor of 2 is specified, each interval will be 2 times longer than the interval before it. If a factor is not specified, the default factor is 1. |
line <line_id> circ <begin_pt> <end_pt> <center_pt> [interval] [factor] | The command creates a circular arc (or logarithmic spiral) about a center point. The beginning and ending points specify where to position the circular arc. The third point in the command specifies the center of the circular arc. Interval and factor are defined in the explanation for the Line (STR) Command. |
line <line_id> cirm <begin_pt> <end_pt> <center_pt> [interval] [factor] | The CIRM line is similar to the CIRC line. The difference between the CIRM line and the CIRC line is the function of the third point. The third point on a CIRM line is between the beginning and end points and becomes a part of the circular arc. The arc will be drawn through all three points. |
line <line_id> cirr <begin_pt> <end_pt> <center_pt> [interval] [factor] | The command creates a circular arc. The beginning and end points function the same as the other commands to create a circular arc, but the third point is used differently. The x value of the third point will be used as the radius of the arc to be created. If the x value is positive, the center point is placed on the left of a straight line drawn through the beginning and end points. If the x value is negative, the center is placed on the right side of the line. |
line <line_id> para <begin_pt> <end_pt> <center_pt> [interval] [factor] | This command creates the tip of a parabolic arc. The third point is the peak of the parabola. The beginning and end points must be equidistant from the third point. |
line <line_id> corn <begin_pt> <end_pt> <center_pt> [interval] [factor] | The command creates a corner formed by two line segments. The first segment is created by connecting the first and third points. The second segment is created by connecting the third and second points. The line segments can have their interval size set as if the two lines were one. |
side <side_id> <list_of_lines> | This creates a group made up of the given lines and assigns the id given by the user. |
region <region_id> <block_id> <list_of_lines_or_sides> | A region is a list of lines/sides that enclose an area to be meshed. The region is formed from the list of lines and/or sides; the region is given the id specified by the user. |
barset <barset_id> <block_id> <inside> <list_of_lines> | The basis for two and three node element generation is the barset. The barset id is the identifying number for the barset. The block id is the id assigned to all elements in the barset. The inside point is a point on the inside of all lines in the barset. All lines specified at the end of the command will be included in the barset. |
interval <interval> <list_of_lines> | This sets the number of intervals on a given line or lines. |
factor <factor> <list_of_lines> | This command sets the ratio of the interval lengths as the intervals progress towards the end point of the line. For example, if a factor of 2 is specified, each interval will be 2 times longer than the interval before it. If a factor is not specified, the default factor is 1. |
poinbc <node_bc_id> <list_of_points> | This command attaches boundary conditions to the nodes that are created at point locations.The first number to be entered is the id of the flag. After that a list of all points to be flagged is entered. |
linebc <node_bc_id> <list_of_lines> | This command attaches boundary conditions to nodes created along certain lines. The first number entered is the id of the flag. Following the id, all lines to be flagged should be entered. |
sidebc <side_bc_id> <list_of_lines> | This command attaches boundary conditions to all nodes created on certain lines. The first number entered is the id of the flag. All numbers entered after that point are the ids of the sidesets included in the flag. |
scheme <region_id> {m|t|b|c|u} | The letters after the region id indicate the meshing scheme. Schemes specify a meshing algorithm for mesh generation is a regionThe letter 'm' indicates a general rectangle primitive, 't' indicates a triangle primitive, 'b' indicates a transition primitive, 'c' indicates a semicircle primitive, and 'u' indicates a pentagon primitive. |