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Auto Healing

Healing is an extremely complex process. The general steps to healing are:

Autohealing makes these steps automatic with the following command:

Healer Autoheal Body <id_range> [Rebuild] [Keep] [Maketolerant] [Logfile ['logfilename'] [Display]] 

The rebuild option  unhooks each surface, heals it individually, then stitches all the surfaces back together and heals again. In some cases this can more effectively fix up the body, although it is much more computationally intensive and is not recommended unless normal healing is unsuccessful.

The keep option will retain the original body, putting the resulting healed body in a new body.

The maketolerant option will make the edges tolerant if ACIS is unable to heal them. This can result in successful booleans even if the body cannot be fully healed - ACIS can then sometimes "tolerate" the bad geometry. Note that the healer analyze command will still show these curves as "bad", even though they are tolerant. The validate geometry commands however take this into consideration.

The output from the autoheal command can be written to a file using the logfile option; the default file name is autoheal.log.  The display option works as before, displaying the results in a window in the GUI version of CUBIT.