SAND Number: SAND2021-12663 W
- A quick overview of some of the main
features and goals of the CUBIT Mesh Generation Toolkit, licensing
and distribution, hardware
requirements, and where
to go for help.
Control - A description of the CUBIT
user environment, including using the graphical
user interface, session
control, command
line syntax, journal
files, graphics,
picking, saving
and restoring etc..
- A description of CUBIT's geometry features including
geometry from scratch, manipulating
geometry in CUBIT, importing
and exporting geometry
formats, etc...
Generation - A description of CUBIT's
mesh generation capabilities, including how
to mesh geometry, meshing
and smoothing
schemes, setting
sizes and intervals, importing
a mesh, etc...
Element Model - How to set up the
finite element model for analysis, including defining
boundary conditions, material
properties, exporting
the finite element model, etc.
Layer Meshing - How to set up boundary
Immersive Topology
Environment for Meshing (ITEM) -
A description of Cubit's interactive meshing wizard including how
to use the wizard, and a guide to geometry
clean-up, setting up the finite element
model, mesh generation in ITEM, etc.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.