Cubit 15.9 User Documentation
Note: This feature is under development. The command to enable or disable features under development is:
CUBIT provides the capability to import a model composed of mesh based geometry. The command to import meshed based geometry is:Set Developer Commands {On|OFF}
Import mbg ''<filename>"
MBG is created in Cubit when one meshes a volume or imputs the mesh from a previously meshed volume with the import mesh geometry command. Optionaly there one may create geometry with the "set dev on" option.
In order to create, import and export MBG one needs to set the geometry engine to facet with the following command "set geom eng facet".
The following commands create a brick and export and import it as a MBG file: set geometry engine facet set dev on brick x 10 export mbg "brick.mbg" overwrite reset import mbg "brick.mbg"
set geometry engine facet
set dev on
brick x 10
export mbg "brick.mbg" overwrite
import mbg "brick.mbg"